NAMM Members Guarantee and Certificate of Compliance

Advice for Memorial Masons

  • Memorials must be fitted to the current NAMM Code of Working Practice in compliance with BS8415.
  • If Cemetery rules, ground conditions, materials or items such as foundations supplied by a Burial Authority do not enable the fixing of a memorial to the required standard it must be reported to the cemetery supervisor in writing. The mason should request a disclaimer regarding any item or materials supplied by the Burial Authority which prevent the mason from fixing a memorial to the required standard.
  •  Materials must be fit for purpose for a period of 6 years to comply with the Sale of Goods Act; however, NAMM Retail members extend this guarantee for a period of 10 years. ( see NAMM Retail Member Guarantee PDF at the foot of this page. )
  • Lettering: The period of time that Gilding/Colouring of Lettering can be assured is variable depending on the type of letter and the situation of the memorial; therefore, customers should be made aware that these decorative finishes may not last for the period of time covered by the retail member guarantee. Most paint suppliers will only give a 12-month guarantee for enamel paints, and gilded letters are less durable to physical abrasion such as energetic cleaning. Therefore, NAMM recommend that the minimum period that these types of finishes can be assured by the mason is 12-months, any period of time over that would be at the discretion of the mason in each particular case.

The Workmanship of the Memorial can be guaranteed including the layout of the lettering (Gilded/painted or coloured finishes assurances are limited as above ) The stone itself is a natural material and cannot be guaranteed but the product can be guaranteed as being of good quality and fit for purpose. Memorials are purchased in good faith with expectation that they will be durable for the time period and the environment which they are being installed into and members must carefully inspect materials being used and ensure any natural stone being purchased from the wholesaler and sold on to a customer is of memorial quality and  fit for the intended purpose. Likewise the wholesaler has a responsibility to the mason to ensure materials supplied are fit for the intended purpose.

BS8415-2018 4.2.1 States; Natural stone used in the construction of memorials within burial grounds and memorial sites shall be sound, durable and free from defects likely to affect durability and structural stability.

  • The Stability of the Memorial can be guaranteed through the provision of a guarantee of conformity which confirms all materials and methods of fixing comply to the NAMM Code of Working Practice and BS8415. Any local conditions which the mason considers may affect long term stability of the memorial should be reported to the Burial Authority before work commences.
  •  Subsidence risk can be covered through an Insurance policy.

STONEGUARD INSURANCE is provided by Bridge Insurance who are trusted established specialist memorial insurance providers underwritten by Sun Alliance. Bridge Insurance can provide various cover packages for very modest premiums based on the value of the memorial (less any local authority fee for granting permission for the placing of the memorial) which is renewable at the end of that period.

An insurance certificate is issued by the memorial mason to the client and the cover is immediate on the day the memorial is erected.

Existing memorials can also be insured by Stoneguard Insurance except for any apparent damage present at the time of insuring. 

 To find out how Insurance benefits clients and masons Contact Stoneguard Insurance on 0800 634 70778 

Email or visit their website

A 10 -Year Guarantee is a minimum requirement for NAMM Members which is longer than Sale of Goods Act and sets NAMM masons apart from others.

Last modified Friday, 9th February 2024, 8:50:01 am