NAMM Code of Ethics

The following are the standards of trading which members of the Association are required to observe:

1.   A member shall do all in his power to uphold and maintain the dignity of the Craft.

2.   He shall abide by the Association’s Codes of Good Business and any other Codes which may be in force.

3.   He shall abide by any findings of the Association’s Conciliation & Arbitration Service relevant to him.

4.   He shall on all occasions discourage the pestering of the bereaved, including the soliciting of orders in burial grounds.

5.   He shall never attempt to persuade a customer to cancel an order when once placed with a competitor.

6.   He shall at all times endeavour to foster friendly relations with and mutually assist other members in all matters concerning the interest of the Craft.

7.   To never knowingly conduct themselves in such a manner as to prejudice their own professional standing or that of any other member of the Association.

Last modified Wednesday, 10th March 2021, 10:17:10 am