Becoming a NAMM Member

Joining NAMM

To apply for membership please contact NAMM Head Office on 01788 542264 or email

If you are a professional retail memorial mason with good business practices and the ability to work to high standards and the Association’s Code of Working Practice, ( free to view on the Home Page ) then NAMM is the trade association for you whether as an individual (sole trader) or a company.

NAMM is the only organisation that represents all sides of the memorial masonry trade such as retail members, wholesalers, and various forms of associate memberships as listed below. Many Burial Authorities are corporate members of the association, it is this range of representation that enables genuine input and a working together for mutual benefit. NAMM has been around since 1907 so we are well known and respected across the board including with the general public.

In addition, we have a number of permanent working groups dealing with a variety of issues, so we have significant backup resources to support our internal and external activities which benefits you.

Promotion – available through the Association are various promotional items to show your NAMM membership in your premises and on vehicles. Also advertise in Yellow Pages under the NAMM logo.

Ten regions covering the UK – regional meetings give members an opportunity to discuss common problems and areas of success. Some regions also have sub-regional meetings for those members who are particularly interested in very local issues and are looking for a joint approach.

The Association also represents the trade in annual wage and condition negotiations with the unions.

Business advice – to augment the legal advice helpline the Association periodically circulates information to members on changes to the law and health & safety issues so that you are always up to date.

Technical information – free advice including support from our Technical Working Group so that you can argue from strength.

Membership Categories.

Full Retail, Individuals, bodies corporate and partnerships, who are engaged in a retail capacity in the memorial trade within the British Isles, principally or to an extent acceptable to the General Council;- have been engaged in the trade for at least one year;- maintain premises and stocks suitable to the trade;- are practical masons or employ such;- work memorials;- letter memorials;- fix memorials;
- retail to the public shall be eligible for Full Retail Membership of the Association provided that they undertake to adhere to the Codes of Ethics and Business Practice and the Code of Working Practice of the Association, and to abide by the Articles, Bye-laws, and other agreements or regulations of the Association adopted by General Council pursuant to Article 56a in force during the period of their membership and also to abide by any relevant findings of the Association's Conciliation and Arbitration Service.

Wholsale Membership, Individuals, bodies corporate and partnerships, who are engaged, in a wholesale capacity, in the memorial trade within the British Isles, principally or to an extent acceptable to the General Council;- have been engaged in the trade for at least one year;- maintain premises and stocks suitable to the trade shall be eligible for Full Wholesale Membership of the Association provided that they undertake to adhere to the Codes of Ethics and Business Practice and the Code of Working Practice of the Association, and to abide by the Articles, Bye-laws, and other agreements or regulations of the Association adopted by General Council pursuant to Article 56a in force during the period of their membership and also to abide by any relevant findings of the Association's Conciliation and Arbitration Service.Any wholesaler who supplies finished memorials and is also engaged in the direct sale of finished memorials must also apply separately for Full Retail Membership.

Overseas Members, Individuals, bodies corporate and partnerships supplying stone or memorials from overseas to Full Retail Members within the British Isles shall be eligible for admission to Overseas Membership of the Association provided their activities do not conflict with the interests of the Association or its members as a whole.being individuals or firms supplying stone or memorials from overseas to the United Kingdom.

Overseas Affiliate Members, * Individuals, bodies corporate and partnerships engaged in the memorial masonry trade overseas, being overseas retail memorial masons wishing to keep in contact with the Association.who would not otherwise be eligible for membership above, shall be eligible for Overseas Affiliate Membership provided their activities do not conflict with the interests of the Association and its members as a whole.

Affiliate Members,* Affiliate Membership Individuals, bodies corporate and partnerships who solely sell memorials which are produced and fixed by local retail memorial masons who are Full Members of the Association;- have been engaged in the selling of memorials for at least one year;- maintain premises and a display of memorials suitable to the trade;- agree to be bound by the Association’s Codes of Ethics and Business Practice, Code of Working Practice, and in case of dispute, by the findings of the Association’s Conciliation and Arbitration Service shall be eligible for Affiliate Membership of the Association provided their activities do not conflict with the interests of the Association or its members as a whole.

Company Associate Members,* being individuals or firms supplying tools, equipment or services to the trade.

Individual Associate Members,* being persons not engaged in the trade but having a particular interest in it.

Corporate Associate Members,* Burial Authorities shall be eligible for Corporate Associate Membership of the Association.provided their activities do not conflict with the interests of the Association and its members as a whole.Shipping Agents shall be eligible for Corporate Associate Membership of the Association.

*Note: These members do not have voting rights.

Relationships with the Church and the Burial Authorities

NAMM constantly interfaces with the Church and the Burial Authorities particularly in relation to regulations helping to improve the choice for the bereaved, which benefits the mason, and ensuring the mason has an adequate input.

Technical standards

NAMM first established the NAMM Code of Working Practice which is now Nationally accepted as the trusted industry guidance standard by burial authorities. The NAMM Code of Working Practice was the founding document for the British Standards BS8415 – Specification for Memorials and Monuments in Burial Grounds.

Trade exhibitions and annual conference

NAMM organise an annual conference for members and sponsor trade exhibitions including the Craftex Competition Awards to promote the craft element within the industry.

Government and national organisations

NAMM works closely with a number of relevant trade associations for the benefit of its membership and the bereaved. NAMM is a member of British Standards Institute and sits on the BS8415 committee and has recently been involved with the Scottish Government Cemeteries guidance document is an active member of the Memorial Awareness Board (MAB) and sits on the Ministry of Justice Burial and Cremation Advisory Group.

The International Monument Federation

NAMM’s membership enables it to draw on the expertise of other similar associations from various parts of the world. Every NAMM member is entitled to display an IMF membership certificate.


NAMM represents the UK within this European federation of the natural stone and memorial masonry associations.



Last modified Wednesday, 6th March 2019, 5:34:42 pm